Together Creating Memories

No Ink and No Mess

Memory Making Print Kit

Watch our "How To" Video

Capturing a print is SO EASY!

Watch our video and see how capturing mess free prints has never been easier! No ink and no mess Ink-less Print Kit ideal for all ages.

Capture Prints with No Ink and No Mess

Child Kits

Quick, easy, and no clean up required! The easiest way to capture prints for babies and children. Kits are often used for memory making arts and crafts or by organizations such as Birthing Centers

Adult Kits

Capture prints for any age gently and respectfully with no messy clean up. These kits are perfect for Care Organizations including Hospices and Hospitals to purchase as patient family gifts

Partner With Us

We partner with organizations wishing to gift an Ink-less Print Kit to families. Our most popular partnerships include Birthing Centers, Children's Hospitals, Hospices and Palliative Care programs

Wipe The Print

Using the Disposable Ink-less Towelette included, wipe the print

Press the Print on the Keepsake Paper

Within seconds a print will magically appear!
With no messy clean up needed, our Ink-less Print Kit is the quickest and easiest way to capture handprints, footprints, and pawprints

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